The last book you read? Hello, Fish! Visiting the Coral Reef by Sylvia Earle. We are learning about water animals in School. You cannot pet Alligators but you can pet kitty cats.
What are you currently reading? And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss
Five books I would take to a deserted island.
1) Primitive technology: A Book of Earth Skills Mommy told me to take this from Contagion.
2) The Dr. Seuss Series
3) The Dora the Explorer Series
4) Books on Fish
5) Paper and Crayons to create my own books
Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and Why? Why? Because Auntie Bouie says I have to pick someone. I’ll pass this onto:
Tara (oh I mean Sally) at Whimsy Capricious
Connor (oh I mean Jennifer) at Jennifer’s World
Flash (oh I mean Flash’s Mommy) at Fresh as a Daisy
Note from Mommy: For those curious about what in world I read, here is a list of books/authors I tend to read. I must say even though we go to the library weekly, I usually do not find books for me, propably a good thing.
The Anita Blake series from Laurell K. Hamilton (if you are a scifi/fantasy reader, you will probably like these – but start at the beginning, you can read them in any order, but more fun in order.)
Any Agatha Christie book
The Nero Wolf series from Rex Stout
Any Isaac Asimov book
The Father Ryan series from Andrew Greeley
The Mrs. Pollifax series from Dorothy Gilman
And a ton of others but I don’t want to spend the time linking them.