December 03, 2004

Sugar, Pharaoh, Grease

What do these words have in common? Ants. That is the name I have heard those little ants called. I seem to get them in my house occasionally. When it rains a lot (inches) or when the temp drops below 70, they seem to invade my house.

I saw one this morning (yep, the temp at night is getting below 70!). It was crawling across my screen. It is an odd feeling to see out of the corner of your eyes this little object moving down the side of your screen. Then when you focus on it, it moves horizontally across the screen. In fact there is one crawling around on my screen as I type this. Time to get rid of the little buggers. My Husband introduced me to this poison you put out in little drops. They eat the drops, and no more little ants crawling around.

Spraying for them doesn’t work. I have no clue where those little buggers hide, but I have never gotten spray to work. Bombing the house to get rid of them only works if you bomb the attic too. They are great at moving and hiding.

Hmmmm. Now where did I put that stuff? Wonder if it expires?

Posted by vw bug at December 3, 2004 07:41 AM | TrackBack