August 31, 2004

What a Day

Get up, eat something. Feed #2 Son. Get food ready for #1 Son. Magnificent Husband feeds #1 Son. Clean dishes. Dress myself, #1 Son, and #2 Son. Walk #1 DogSon with the other two children. Give #1 DogSon medicine and breakfast while guarding it from the other two children. Run to Grocery Store for a couple of items at 8am. My Superb Husband does the grocery shopping, but forgot 1 item. Mind you, I gave him a list of 50 items, so missing 1 is no big deal. But it was bugspray… so off I am to go get it with children in tow. Get to store and drive around in circle twice looking for parking spot. Oh yaaa… Hurricane Frances on the way. Pack kids into tandem stroller. Why not a shopping cart? #2 Son is sleeping and I don’t want to carry him the whole time. Get in store. Find more items I decided I wanted… like peroxide, cortisone as well as bugspray. So take #1 Son out of stroller and put items in his seat and let him walk. Oh boy. Sticky Fingers should be his new name. Finished shopping and I started to go into one of the regular lines when I realized they were all packed. Luckily I had under 10 items. So headed for the 10 and under line. Talked to the lady in line next to me. She had gotten there at 7am to go to the UPS Store next store and had drive around the parking lot then. Neither of us tried to get more water.

Went to get gas. It was packed too. More likely because gas goes up 8 cents tomorrow than because of the storm. I am going to wait to fill up our gas cans. The 40 cents difference just isn’t worth the insanity at the gas pumps today.

Get home. Feed children snack. #2 Son has a BM (bowel movement for those without children) of gigantic proportion. Forgot he had not had one for 2 days and yesterday he got prunes with breakfast, apricots with lunch and prunes with dinner. Cleaned him up, the carpet, myself (I picked him up to keep him from doing more damage) and hunted around to make sure I got it all. Somewhere in this mess, I played with #1 Son, read them a book and ate pretzels with him. Then realized garbage man hasn’t come yet. Go through and pick up a bunch of stuff to throw away. Get #2 Son in stroller, get #1 Son in shoes and head out. It starts to sprinkle. No Biggie. See neighbor’s dog out of his yard. Head over to let him back in his yard. Get all the way to opening the gate and see the rain coming my way. R.A.I.N. Downpour. Run to neighbors back porch with kids. Ugh. Luckily back porch door open. No one at home, but I don’t care. We are not getting wet. Wait it out, then head home. So much for being nice. #1 Son and I got soaked. It is now 10:30am.

I am not going into the rest of the day with doing laundry, bills, and regen’ing our water filter, feeding everyone lunch… but needless to say it finally slowed down a bit and I decided to add stuff to my blog and check out Hurricane Frances. Got to stop now and get back to work. I’m sure one day I’ll look back at this and laugh. I just have to!

Posted by vw bug at August 31, 2004 01:25 PM | TrackBack