Monday, Papa went in for eye surgery. He had to have a cataract removed. They wanted to get it done before he might have to have chemo. I found that it was a blessing they went to have it done. The assistance was able to help Papa out with his dry eye issue since the radiation treatments. So now his good eye is doing much better. And the one they just did the surgery on? They took the eye patch off and he had 20/60 vision. BETTER vision than MINE! Though, I would love to have had a picture of him yesterday with the eye patch on – Papa Pirate. The balding head, the eye patch, the extra weight… just add a sword and a ship!!!! Or maybe a kiddie pool?
Let me regress about kiddie pools… My parents had to get their only full bathroom repaired a couple of weeks ago. And thank goodness they are done and they are not taking a shower on the back porch! Ha ha ha ha. Too funny to hear how they rigged up a shower. Imagine the kiddie pool they bought for #1 Son being brought up to the back porch. Then a drape hooked to the roof of the back porch. Now add a stool in the kiddie pool. Nope, not done yet. We have to add the 3 buckets of water. One for soap, one for getting wet and one for rinsing. And people wonder where I get my crazy ideas from???
You’ll be hearing more next week after they get the results from the MRI tomorrow. Yaa… their week still isn’t over with doctor appointments. And next week – more of the same. I thought being pregnant I had a ton of doctor appointments. I think getting old in general means a ton of time at the doctors. Even more blog entries on this later. :-)
Posted by vw bug at August 25, 2004 01:45 PM | TrackBack