March 05, 2006

To Make You Smile

Lacking the Basics

A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem. A small child replied: "They couldn't get a baby-sitter."

Dirty Boy

A very dirty little fellow came in from playing in the yard and asked his mother, "Who am I? " Ready to play the game she said, "I don't know! Who are you?"

"WOW!" cried the child. "Mrs. Johnson was right! She said I was so dirty, my own mother wouldn't recognize me!"

Wise Schoolteacher

A wise schoolteacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school: "If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home.

Posted by vw bug at March 5, 2006 07:15 AM | TrackBack

LOL...these are SO priceless. I can relate to the last one for sure!

Posted by: Moogie at March 5, 2006 03:28 PM

Out of the mouths of babes ......

You should have seen my youngest in our kitchen with, in order, two brown dogs, a grey tabby cat and 10 lbs of flour ......

It took weeks to get the footprints they left behind them out of the brown pile carpet in the dining room when they were discovered examining the effects of spreading flour liberally. All my wife and I could do was laugh as the little "snow storm" whirled itself to "safety". The dogs and the cat have passed out of this life, but our daughter still gives us huge pleasure.

PS: Thanks for the compliment ref my painting!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 6, 2006 07:17 AM