July 27, 2006

Starving Child?

Mammaw made Chicken and Dumplins for dinner last night. Yummy. And you would have thought I was starving poor Tot. On his THIRD, you read it right, bowl of dumplins he gave Mammaw the sweetest smile and a yummy kind of noise. I didn't catch the rest of what he said after that because Tater asked me for more pears. Tater was on his second bowl of dumplins and third bowl of pears. Oh... and Tot finished off that bowl and a bowl of mandarin oranges. I had no idea that kids could put away so much food.

As a side note: I was just happy she made enough that there is some for lunch today. Yipeeee!

(pssst... the kids are watching tv, so I have about 10 minutes)

And the good/bad news... we are flying home tomorrow. Regular posting and pictures of the trip should resume on Sunday. I ran out of room on my camera memory card, so missed some great pictures today. Sigh...

Posted by vw bug at July 27, 2006 11:53 AM | TrackBack