July 30, 2006

Smart Ar-se

Tot got Mammaw. She walked out and told me my son was a 'smart ar-se'. hahahaha. Like I didn't know.

Each boy has a flashlight. It has a single AA battery in it. Turns out that Tot took his apart and my mom tried to help him put it together again. He put the battery in it, looked at it and took it out. Gave Mammaw a look like it was her fault it was in wrong. Turned it around and put it back in. Stared into her eyes and said "The battery goes this way". It worked.

** snicker snicker ** What comes around goes around!!!

Posted by vw bug at July 30, 2006 05:37 AM | TrackBack

Heh. :) 'Course I think *my* folks spend more time giggling at me with that kind of stuff....

Posted by: Richmond at July 30, 2006 07:13 AM

Wow, I think you and I are in for major trouble in the future with our respective smarty pants.

BTW, THANKS for the weather links on your sidebar. With them I've been able to check the weather in Orlando for my upcoming trip. As a result I can see that I'll be headed for an area with cooler temps. Can you believe it?

Well, hope it cools off where you are soon enough. So, when are you getting back?

Posted by: Michele at July 30, 2006 08:45 AM