September 05, 2006

Butts and Bush Dogs

What is it about boys? Make that boys and their fascination with butts... farts, poop, and the like? We went to the zoo on Saturday. When leaving the zoo, they talked about the giant anteater, the prairie dogs, and the naked mole rats. But when asked later in the day what they liked most...

Watching the dogs wipe their butts on the tree

Oh yes. While there, we spent a good 10 minutes standing at the bush dog exhibit. There was 3 bush dogs playing 'follow the leader' in a large circle. Every time they passed a particular tree, they would lift their hind feet off the ground and wipe their butts on it. Every time this happened, my kids would break out in l.o.u.d laughter. Yaa... some days I wonder what it would be like to have girls... but then I remember those big smiles. Sigh.. even if they are smiling about dogs wiping their butts on a tree... they are great smiles.

Posted by vw bug at September 5, 2006 07:16 AM | TrackBack

What? No pictures?

Posted by: Tink at September 5, 2006 07:45 AM

Shoot! I'd laugh too! Me and the boys are on the same wavelength! ;)

Posted by: oddybobo at September 5, 2006 08:47 AM