September 12, 2006

Animal Life

The first thing I see when going out on the back porch the other day was this baby snake (I believe it is a baby black snake):

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And if that wasn't enough, we have these huge walking sticks as well...

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If that wasn't enough, I got a couple of more pictures... notice the little one attached to the bigger one... I think this means there will be a whole lot more walking sticks around our house soon. Sigh... they are longer than my hand.

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Never a dull moment at the 'bugs' house. ;-)

Posted by vw bug at September 12, 2006 06:10 AM | TrackBack

Neat. Boys love bugs!

Posted by: oddybobo at September 12, 2006 08:49 AM

Awwww... baby snakes! CUTE!

It brings back memories of when I caught a 3-foot garter snake & kept it as a pet. A few weeks later, there were baby snakes all over the place.

I had no idea that it was female, much less pregnant.

Posted by: Harvey at September 12, 2006 10:19 PM