February 05, 2007

First ER Visit of 2007

Been a busy weekend. I was happy that it ended well, but some days I could just do without the insanity. Some of that is due to the fact that I can hear my mom in the background laughing her arse off. Yaa... I think my mom knew the names of every person in the emergency room as I was growing up. Because of me, not my sisters.

We went to the playground because I hounded my husband that we needed to get out of the house. While there, Tot tripped and fell. Both knees got skin'd up pretty bad. I held him until he calmed down and then Dad took him. Dad tried to put him down. When Tot stood up, he didn't. He cried and Dad picked him back up. We stayed so that Tater could get some running and exercise in for the day. I held Tot and tried the same thing. He really seemed like he was hurt when he tried to stand. Sigh.

We decided to go the ER sooner than later. Tot is not a cry baby. We get to ER, we get signed in and we sit in the waiting room. We wait. And wait. Finally Dad and Tater go play in the corner. Dad had mentioned that it looked like Tot was moving both legs quite a bit while sitting in my lap. Hmmm. Mom tries again to get Tot down and walking. Surprise, surprise... Tot walks over to Dad and Tater. uhhhhh... Mom offers some pretzels... Tot runs back.

Off to the nurse and let them we know we are leaving. The little turkey. She smiles and laughs as I point out how well he is walking. Nice to know he is ok, not so nice to spend 2 hours at the ER.

Posted by vw bug at February 5, 2007 05:50 AM | TrackBack

Don't get down on Tot, that's just the way he rolls.

Posted by: Contagion at February 5, 2007 10:24 AM

Well, at least y'all got out of the house! Glad Tot's OK...

Posted by: Marie at February 5, 2007 11:23 AM

Man that reminds me of all the emergency room visits we made when our kids were Tater and Tot's age. Let's see, there was the green pea up the nose, the bead in the ear, the thumb in the wheel rim, the attack of the tree.... and so on. So glad to hear he's doing ok. :D

Posted by: Lemon Stand at February 5, 2007 05:27 PM

Reminds me of when we were in an accident that totaled our car. Mrs. Who (driver) was knocked in the face with the rearview-mirror that was torn off the windshield by the airbags - almost breaking her cheekbone. I was more or less just humiliated by suddenly wearing four large cokes that literally exploded in my face - the result of the airbags again. I also had some abrasions - nothing more than a little "carpet-burn" - also from the airbags. Goob had a bruised shoulder from the seatbelt. And the most secure of anyone in the car - Buck - screamed bloody murder. Endlessly.

We went to the E.R., where we were all looked at. When asked "on a scale from 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?" Buck picked... You guessed it, "10." They attempted to re-explain the concept of the scale, but he didn't budge. It was a solid "10." So then they pulled out a little smiley-frowny face chart, where again he pointed to the worst, most pathetic looking face of the lot. We were rolling our eyes, the doc just 'humored' Buck a little and ordered a chest X-Ray - just to cover his butt.

After waiting a little longer, they brought in a kid about Buck's age who had broken his leg. The shrillness of the poor kid's screams as they attempted to manipulate his leg just to get him from the ambulance gurney to the exam table told of real pain. Mrs. Who looked at Buck and said, "Now THAT'S a TEN! Aren't you glad you're not hurting as badly as that little boy?"

Buck blanched, then reddened, and suddenly he was ready to go.

*sigh* Twerp!

Posted by: Bitterroot at February 7, 2007 02:16 AM