November 25, 2007

Simple Toys

While I let my boys on the computer I found THIS POST from DOF to be interesting. I read the Simple Toys article. It said the same thing that I have read in other articles. It is also something my sons' speech therapist mentioned. I have 'star wars galactic heroes' for the boys to play with (little dolls for boys)... along with marbles, toy cars and dinosaurs. It certainly lets their imagination run wild... along with the ability to leave those little suckers all over.

We'll see how long I last on this. I am waiting for the 'gameboy' kinda of game to come into their life. I know that as long as my boys ride their bikes, play on their play set and with their heroes and dinosaurs... I'll let them have computer time. I'll just have to play it by ear on the handheld games.

What do you think?

Posted by vw bug at November 25, 2007 07:32 AM | TrackBack

OH, in that case I saw some toys yesterday you might like... things that allow the imagination to run hog wild... LOL!

www dot froebelusa dot com
BUT the site is currently down. :( I looked at them later; very informative!

Posted by: pam at November 25, 2007 09:13 AM

Get a "toy rake" - a big plastic lawn and leaf rake from home depot. Saved my sanity when it came to taking care of the small things left EVERYWHERE!

Posted by: Richmond at November 25, 2007 07:29 PM

HOld off on the handheld games as long as you can. They are money sponges. Plus, many of the games, you need to be able to read. If the boys aren't asking for them, don't even think about it.

Also, realize, that Tot is going to be introduced to it 1 year earlier than Tater would have.

We put it off for as long as we could, but I wish we'd put it off longer.

Posted by: Bou at November 25, 2007 10:27 PM