January 08, 2008

3:17, 3:18, 3:19, 3:20

There are times when you wish you had not taught your son to read a digital clock. Like at 3am in the morning. Tot has been 'sick' for over a week now. I had planned on calling the doctor and taking him back in this morning. And at 1 something am last night he called me to his room. He was running a 103F temperature. Ugh. I gave him motrin, turned on his fan, took off his pajama bottoms and waited 45 minutes. It was 104F. #$%^*#&... off to bath with a screaming child. No mom No Mom, I WANT TO SLEEP. Nope, no sleep for you... at least not yet.

We got the temp down. Along with a dose of Tylenol to help. And at 3:17am, he started reading the clock to me. Ugh. Go to sleep. Nope, wasn't going to happen yet. He read it every minute until 3:22am. When we finally started talking about Star Wars and Mario brothers. Finally at 4:30am the bugger went to sleep. I crawled back into my bed after making sure his temp was down (100F). And the @#$ alarm went off at 5:30am. Oh bother. Yep, got up, showered and started breakfast for Tater. It has been a long stressful 2 weeks and now school has started...

Won't be commenting much in the next couple of days. Reading? Yep... I need the outside stimulation. Commenting... takes too much time. Luckily I have some posts ready for the next couple of days. I'm here... sorta...

Posted by vw bug at January 8, 2008 06:17 AM | TrackBack

I will be thinking of you and hoping Tot gets better quickly and that you get to take a nap when he does. {{{{hugs}}}}

Posted by: Lemon Stand at January 8, 2008 09:59 AM

hope he feels better
take care, honey

Posted by: wRitErsbLock at January 8, 2008 07:26 PM

Hope he improves soon, with a temperature that high, better see the Doctor soon!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at January 9, 2008 05:07 AM

Oh man - I hope that everybody gets better SOON!!

Posted by: Richmond at January 9, 2008 04:05 PM