After reading Tink's post and seeing her tree (you'll have to scroll down to see how it is leaning and tied to the ceiling!)... I then saw this Garfield comic this afternoon... baw ha haha ha Now if I could figure out a way to change all her pictures and make all the trees and decorations crooked!!!!
Shhhh.... I stole the keys from the Bug. But I thought you all ought to know that even after 43 years she still can't get my birthday right. Wrong, wrong, wrong BUG..... Tomorrow, the 19th I will be turning 51; don't make me do it a day early. Try and remember next year :)
Go on over and wish her a happy birthday.
It's always nice to know I have someone older than me... ;-) But even better, is I always have a sister who is there for me. Thanks for being a big sister and protecting me when I was younger and driving me crazy as we get older. And never really killing me when you had the chance. I know there were a couple of times I deserved it. Happiest of Birthdays Sis!
Just a quick thanks to Tink for letting everyone know how stupid I can be. GRIN. yaa... I screwed up all my passwords the other day to the point that one was sent to oblivion. But I'm back as of yesterday... I just forgot the thanks. Been a weee bit distracted... Enjoy!
Seems there is just a lot of fun stuff going around right now. I got a letter from Tink that she couldn't post to her blog today. And she sent me in an email why she couldn't post:
WARNINGThis blog has been locked by Blogger's spam-prevention robots. You will not be able to publish your posts, but you will be able to save them as drafts.
Save your post as a draft or click here for more about what's going on and how to get your blog unlocked.
This after I clicked on click here and did the word verification....
Your blog is locked
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.
We received your unlock request on May 16, 2007. On behalf of the robots, we apologize for locking your non-spam blog. Please be patient while we take a look at your blog and verify that it is not spam.
She was pissed and I was laughing. My sister? A Spammer?? baw hahhahha.. The tears still come to my eyes when I see this. And then the "Since you're an actual person reading this, "... ohhh... I'm still snickering...
The whole point of this, besides getting another laugh, was to give those who read both of us a head's up that she may not be posting much the next day or two until it is fixed.
Sounds like an odd title. But wRitErsbLock is off to find Tink in the crazy city of Orlando.
Definition of Stalk:
1. a stem, shaft, or slender supporting part of anything
2. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry
3. a slow, stiff stride or gait.
Hmmm. Wonder which one wRitErsbLock's block was thinking about?
It amazes me that my family is very talented... I keep wondering why I didn't get any color coordination abilities!!!
Check out THIS POST that Tink did with Tot's picture! click to enlarge the picture when you get there.
technorati: family
Never one to mince words... Tink says:
Bug says ... I have some better ones. Well, of course, she is right.
You can check out the PICTURES HERE.
= = = =
And she isn't the only one that's right...
...curious little creatures in an odd place
Sticks has it right HERE.
Tink was silly enough to leave me the keys to her place. And access to e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Now exactly what should I do to her blog? Decorate? I have been trying to find some gifs or other items to place as her background. But there is a ton of stuff out there and I'm having a hard time choosing. Come on... give me some ideas!
Was talking to Tink on the phone today about my Marine nephew and family in Hawaii. For those out of the loop, Hawaii had an earthquake of about 6 on the Rickter scale. My nephew is one of those without power. He called his mom, Tink, and asked that she call him with a wakeup call this morning since he didn't have power. Uhhhhhh... I didn't get it. Guess having to be prepared for hurricanes means I don't think about alarm clocks. I have battery powered ones... they don't plug in to the wall... just for that reason. Then I asked what was going to happen when his cell phone ran out of power.
Which was the whole point of this post. I mentioned Solar Powered charger for cell phones. Could I remember where I saw it? Nope, not while on the phone. For Tink, here is THE SITE.
Imagine, not having to carry additional batteries for all of your digital devices. One Solar Charger enables you to charge your Cell Phone, PDA, MP3, CD Player, Gaming Device and Digital Camera.
Without much prodding, I talked my sister, Tink, into having an interview via Basil. Go on over and enjoy her questions and answers.
Phew... it has been a l.o.n.g... weekend, glad she did this so I had something fun to post.
Guess what? I found the keys to bug's blog. But shhhhhh we don't want her to know, now do we? Cuz then she might just swipe them back. But don't worry, I'm looking for a great place to hide them. Somewhere that she would never think of looking.
Then again, being two sheets to the wind, she may have forgotten she lost them.
There are reasons why sisters have different talents. Mine is math and as far away from English as you can imagine. But when Tink put out a word for the week... I just couldn't resist this little bit of poetry:
While holding my Zarf
I had to barf
I didn't want to get it on my shirt
Nor my pretty new skirt
So in the Zarf
Went my barf
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the applause. I knew you would love it. Yaa.. you can go over and leave your own post or comment on Zarf.
And if this has some resemblence to Sissy's Word of the Week from many many months ago (ie her last word was Oct 2005)... it's my fault. I didn't tell Tink about it. It is different in that Tink has much stranger words. That and I forgot about Sissy's WOTW until I recently went to her site and read her post on Scrabble (and that was AFTER Tink posted her Word).
Note: Thanks to for this gravestone.
And a special thanks to Luis Royo for this 'Black Tinkerbell'... perfect for a 50th Birthday...
And just to make it a little more fun... enjoy this blow up toy... Click on 'More Pawprints' to see it...
Thanks to Oriental Trading for coming up with a great idea...
And I hope you are willing to give it to her. She is set up to have an interview with Basil some time in September. My life has nothing on hers. Then again that is likely because she is o.l.d.e.r. GRIN Go on... be brave... ask away... HERE is the link to Basil's post. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll have the instructions.
I've submitted my questions already. Oh yaa...
Seems Tink has had a bad weekend. And it ended with her installing an Alternator on her husband's car. Hmphf. Any other female I would probably feel some measure of sympathy having to work on a car engine. Not Tink. She worked at a car shop for many years. And yes, she helped the guys fix the cars. She knows her way around the engine of a car. She is a woman of many talents.
And while cruising the blog-o-sphere this morning, I found How Computers Work at Grouchy Old Cripple... and then saw it again at Bou's. I'm sure I'll see a few more links to it before the days out. It's great!
Not me! Tink, my sister. She made the following 'scrapbook page' just for fun. I think it is wonderful. I took out the kids names so it may look a little odd near the date. Definitely you need to click to enlarge it.
= = = = =
Nope, I am not the artistic one in the family. I have tried to get her to blog but I can also see her changing her blog look every week. She'd never get a post written. ;-)
A great deal is going on in my life right now. My sister, Tink, has volunteered to write up a few stories for me. I'll make sure anything I add is in Bold and Italics. ;-)
From Tink:
It always amazes me what can happen in a family where the older child is nine to ten years older than the youngest child. (Tink is only 8 years older than I am - blhhhhh)
Case in point, I remember one time when young adult VW was having a party and one of the games they were playing was a Scavenger Hunt. Now if you are a young adult and have an older sister living out of the house and are having a scavenger hunt, where is the first place you go? To your sister's house of course. Besides I think she may have cheated since I believe I had almost everything on the list. Or maybe she made the list after coming over one day. (I did NOT make up the list.)
Now we are going to provide just a little background other than above. When my first child was born, VW was only, what, 12 or 13, by the time my last child was born she could have be around 16. So the story is about her when she was I guess in her middle 20's.
Anyway back to the scavenger hunt. Over to my house heads this delightful and deceitful sister. She gave me her list and as I was looking it over, I kept noticing one of her partners and I just knew I knew him, but couldn't place it. Did I tell you they were all in costumes? She finally introduced me to her "date" when I realized she was dating my youngest child's coach. I tell you, I didn't know whether to strangle her or laugh.
First I guess I ought to introduce myself..... Tink here. I know VW has mentioned me a couple of times. The mother of NavyNuke, MarineScamp and the Bombshell Beauty; grandmother to Princess Z, Indiana B and Ballerina and married to VW's best friend, Pan. Z & B, you know, the rest, well give VW time. But onto the story here.
VW calls me this afternoon in a pure rage. I didn't know she knew such words. NavyNuke is a sailor and I don't think he knows such words, lol. But I digress... After ten minutes or so she calms down and we are discussing some juicy gossip when out of the blue (or pink as the case may be), she screams in my ear....
"Tater did you pee in this pot?" "Tater! Tater! DID YOU PEE IN THIS POT?" "Do you see these plants?" "These plants DO NOT LIKE your PEE....."
By this time, I'm rolling on the floor, wondering what the neighbors must be thinking..... Fortunately (or unfortunately), I'll never know as Tater picked that time to slam a door on Tot's fingers wherein the screaming commenced. Think maybe the neighbors showed up to see if the screaming was because she was rubbing his nose in the pot?